AG Rural News

Brownfield Ag News 26-07-2024 19:01
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Wet and windy weather has made herbicide applications difficult for farmers like Nathan Collins in southwest Minnesota. “There’s challenges with that no doubt, because you want to get in (to spray) at an appropriate time and it’s inevitable (that) you have to spray and manage your weed pressure. Otherwise in the end (weeds) take away […] The post Adverse conditions for weed control appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.
The president of Wyffels Hybrids says he’s encouraged about seed production prospects this year. John Wyffels tells Brownfield… “July is always one of the most critical times of year from a pollination perspective.”  He says,” There’s clearly ample moisture. Temperatures are moderating here, so that’s exactly what we need for a strong pollination season.” He […] The post Wyffels Hybrids says seed production looks good appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.
Wisconsin’s Ag Road Improvement Program dollars are now going to local governments to repair or upgrade local road with weight restrictions. The bipartisan law authored by Representative Travis Tranel and Senator Howard Marklein allowed towns to use a simple application to apply for the special road improvement dollars, and Marklein says the first fifty-million has […] The post Wisconsin Ag Road Improvement dollars going out appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.

Ag News

Members of the U.S. House have been dismissed for the August recess a week early without passing 12 annual funding bills including USDA’s budget or taking further action on the farm bill. House Ag Committee Ranking Member David Scott says Chairman Thompson wanted the House to pass the farm bill in September after the appropriations […] The post House on early recess with crucial work unfinished appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.
House Ag Committee leaders heard strong support for reauthorization of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as part of a subcommittee hearing Thursday. Walter Lukken is a former CFTC Commissioner and President and CEO of the Futures Industry Association. “Our markets have grown significantly,” he says. “Total trading volume on CFTC regulated exchanges in the U.S. […] The post Congress asked to reauthorize CFTC appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.
The latest Rural Mainstreet Index has declined for an eleventh consecutive month. Creighton University economist Ernie Goss says weak agriculture commodity prices and declining exports contributed to weakness in the economy. “China for example, their economy’s just moving sideways to down and of course that means they’re buying less of our soybean imports,” he says. […] The post Survey shows continued decline in rural economy appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.
The president of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives says recent changes in the upcoming presidential election and other politics have Congress in observation mode instead of completing a new farm bill. “…It is crazy. I’ve been at this a very long time and have never witnessed anything that even comes close to this.” Chuck […] The post Congress in observation, not action mode appeared first on Brownfield Ag News.